Friday, October 29, 2004
Happy Halloween
Hi everybody. I apologize for not meeting my pithy, intelligent, and insightful quotient today. I've been distracted I guess.

I'm really looking forward to casting my vote and having the election be in the past. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for democracy. But I happen to live in one of those swing states - Wisconsin - where no matter where I look or what I do I am beleaguered by campaign messages. Kerry was here yesterday with Springsteen. Fowled up traffic. Non-stop campaign ads on television, radio, etc. I'm so tired of it.

Everybody who reads here knows that I'm voting Bush on Tuesday. I've talked about it plenty. I fully realize his short-comings. I don't agree with him on every issue. But, on the one that I am absolutely not willing to compromise on, namely national security, the war on terror, and my future children growing up free, Bush is the only choice. And that is that.

The Badgers don't play this weekend. Halloween is a madhouse in Madison, so they don't schedule a game, fearing violence in the streets. Whatever. I've got the blahs.

So, I guess that Al Jihada is going to play some new bin Laden video this afternoon. Nah, that can't be politically motivated or anything, can it? Although, if it really is a new tape and if it really is released this afternoon, I can't help but think the jihadists screwed the pooch.

Why? Because for maximum benefit they shouldn't show it on a Friday. Not many people watch the Friday evening news, at that's on a regular week. People go out to dinner, to the bars, etc. If you want people to see it, release it on a Monday or Wednesday. There is a reason why the "B Team" at the major networks to the newscast on Fridays. Viewership is in the toilet.

Second, don't the jihadists know that releasing a new tape from a figure so long absent from his public villainy only throws more support behind the guy most likely to see him made into worm food? No sane American has anything but hatred for that putrescent bag of kaka. Showing up and throwing about some crap about rivers of blood, infidels, great suffering, etc. is only going to make the vast majority of Americans want to nuke your ass. You see, this is because it will bring up all those September 11 feelings all over again. This nation has no equal when it is pissed off. We can make nice even when the folks at the UN are talking bad about us at town. We even take crap from each other. But NO WAY are we going to let you influence our election. We can fight over the who bitterly with each other. You rear your ugly goat-tick infested scraggly-assed bearded head, and see how fast we join together to stomp a cowboy boot on your snake-like beady eyes. We'll Fed-Ex you to those 79 virgins you've been promised. And we won't apologize.

Moreover, starring in your own film noir extolling the virtues of the mujahedeen and martyrs and their glorious victories only reminds the world that ours is the side of might and right and yours is the side of hopelessness. We are the heroes, you are the thugs. Popping your head back out of your cave and smiling for the cameras only puts a target on your head, you dumb son of a bitch, but thank you. Before you know it, some American Sniper's bullet will find it's home between your eyes and you can have a little taste of what we call payback. We have some nice parting gifts for you. Bob, tell him what he's won.

Sorry, I got a little wild-eyed there. I hate bin Laden. He has perverted and hijacked Islam. He is nothing but evil incarnate and I'd like to see him burn.
posted by Phoenix | 2:31 PM


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