Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Braying & Abusing Power
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada was braying yesterday (and I mean "braying" as in a "braying jackass") about the Great Compromise of 2005. This is the agreement that avoided the filibuster of judicial nominees by Democrats (for now) and the use of the so-called "Nuclear Option" by the Republican majority. This is what the braying jackass (my opinion) had to say:
We have sent president George Bush, vice president Dick Cheney, and the radical
arm of the Republican base an undeniable message. Abuse of power will not be
tolerated. Not be tolerated by Democrats or Republicans, and your attempt, I say
to the vice president and the president, to trample the constitution and grab
absolute control, is over.

My question is, haven't the Dems been pulling a power grab for the past four years? The President of the United States, no matter what his political affiliation, is duty bound to nominate justices to vacant federal judicial seats. The Senate is duty bound to affirm or deny those nominees. That way, the court dockets can keep moving forward and this nation's judicial system can continue to grind slowly onward.

The President did his job. However, the Democrats have been standing in the way, refusing to do their duty. They have refused to do the job of affirming or denying, instead keeping some nominees in limbo for 4+ years. This isn't right! First of all, the Democratic Senators were elected to perform a service. God knows they don't miss a chance to speak on television - is it too much to ask them to perform their Constitutionally-mandated duties? I don't care if they vote to deny. They should be led by their consciences. But, damnit, they should have to make a decision. I have to make a decision every election day, for better or worse, so why can't they?

Because they are girls.

Secondly, and more importantly, if they continue these middle-school girly shenanigans and passive-aggressive pissing contests, who in heaven's name is going to want to be nominated? Sign up to put your professional life on hold until hell freezes over? Not this girl! Simply put, it is a whole lot to ask of anyone. Then, if they actually do actually let your name be discussed, you are subjected to a first-class character assassination attempt. Good Lord, our freakin' "leaders" take lessons from 5th-grade girls! Bitches - the lot of them!

I say, if Harry Reid and his fellows don't want to do their Constitutional duty, screw 'em! We can vote in some other assholes to do the job!

And, in the category of BLATANT MAIN STREAM MEDIA BIAS, the headline of the article I pulled the above quote from reads, "Harry Reid Forges Compromise."

Except, the compromise was a product of a bi-partisan effort (7 Dems, & 7 Repubs), and none of these was our favorite braying jackass, Harry Reid. But who do they credit? Yes, natch, one Power-abusing Braying Jackass from Nevada.

MSM bias? What MSM bias?

Oh - and for those who take offense at my labeling the minority leader in the Senate as a barnyard animal - get over yourself. He called our President a "loser" and then followed up with a back-handed apology. I'm just ratcheting up the rhetoric and callin' 'em like I see 'em. To be fair, I could have found a much less noble barnyard animal to serve as his mascot. I'm very creative. Take my word for it.
posted by Phoenix | 9:41 AM


At 3:28 PM, Blogger realdebate said...

You could not be more right. You know when the good people of the Black Hills threw out Tommie Daschle, I thought the rheotirc would be toned down a bit. If possible, the minority put in charge an even smarmier little weasel. I ask myself this question always, what would the left do if they had the majority in all three branches? Ignore the right like the minority they would be.


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