Monday, May 23, 2005
Mommy & Me
Everywhere I turned this weekend, people were telling horror stories - pregnancy horror stories. I'm not just talking about things that can go wrong, oh no. I'm talking about all of the things you didn't want to know.

Let's just say my expectations aren't so bright and shiny anymore.

Today begins week 7. Only 33 more to go.

Week 7 is characterized as follows by the experts:
The baby is about 1/3 of an inch, the size of a grain of rice. Development of
the arms and legs continue although the fingers and toes haven't yet formed. The
brain is growing as well as the lenses of the eyes, nostrils, intestines,
pancreas and bronchi.

Who knew that something the size of a grain of rice could make you feel like hell?

Anyway. Brain development is good. I like arms and legs, eyes too.

The search for a name continues. There are no easy answers on that one. We agree on a little girl's name, but a name for a boy is still elusive.
posted by Phoenix | 10:00 AM


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