Monday, August 15, 2005
Mommy & Me
Week 19 is here! This is baby sex determination week and I am so excited! I thought that I was excited last week, but that was nothing compared to my current excitement. I am all a-twitter.

The experts say the following about this week's development:
Along with the lanugo, vernix caseosa forms on your baby's skin. Vernix is a
white cheesy substance that protects your baby's skin from its aquatic
environment ~ imagine how your skin would look if you sat in water for nine
months! The placenta continues to grow and nourish the baby.

You know, there are a lot of parts of pregnancy that are really gross. Vernix is hardly the first, but it definitely ranks up there.

In other news, my big baby gear shopping/research expedition plans got changed a bit. Instead of going with a friend, I ended up going with Prince Charming on Saturday afternoon. If was a bust. I mean, there were so many pregnant couples there looking at stuff I felt like I couldn't do anything. There was a line behind certain stroller models and Prince Charming was less than enthused to be shopping in the first place. In fact, I think the only reason he agreed to go in the first place was my promise that we could have supper at Quaker Steak and Lube.

Prince Charming is not a shopper. It isn't that he's disinterested in the baby, just retail venues in general. He is not shopping-enabled. He is a shop-a-phobe. I should have known better than to expect him to have an opinion, I guess. One crib or stroller is the same as the next to him. Needless to say, it was a fruitless enterprise. Maybe I can get my mother to come up and do the research with me.

I've been having trouble sleeping. Of course, that may have something to do with the every-2-hour pee breaks. That is so annoying! On top of that little nuisance is the need to sleep on my side. You are supposed to sleep on the left side, but you are not supposed to sleep on your back or on your front. So, in order to keep my sleeping self from reverting to the more comfortable positions, I have to sleep surrounded by pillows to keep me from turning. Which is annoying because it makes me hot and I prefer to be cool while I'm asleep. So sometimes I have to switch to my right side to get comfortable again.

It isn't exactly restful, I can tell you that.


posted by Phoenix | 9:02 AM


At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ergh, nothing is as uncomfortable as being forced to sleep in a position you dont usually. I feel your pain...but ooooh @ finding out if it will be a princess or a prince!


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