Monday, February 06, 2006
Wisconsin: Nanny State of Idiotic Cowards
Warning: The following post is a BFR (Big F-ing Rant).

There are three minor news stories in recent days that illustrate, for me, what is wrong with Wisconsin. The confluence of these three news stories, all of them about pending legislation, confirm what idiotic cowards we have running the nanny state.

Issue the First: Concealed Carry

Regular readers know that I narrowly averted being raped at college. They also know that a second individual stalked me in college. As such, I am pretty adamant about my right to protect my life and what penises enter where. I would like the right to carry a weapon concealed on my body or in my property to insure my continued existence and the right to decide who I have sex with. Call me crazy. Here in the state of Wisconsin, the matter of concealed carry has come before the legislature a great many times. Each time, the governor has vetoed the measure and overrides of the veto have failed. The last two times, the overrides have failed because legislators who originally voted for the measure changed their votes under political pressure. Simply put, these assholes lack the courage of their convictions and would prefer that I be raped. This may seem like an extreme reaction from me, but I assure you it is visceral and heart-felt.

Issue the Second: 8-year-olds to hunt

Now, don't get me wrong, I believe in 2nd Amendment rights strongly. However, I find it ironic that the Nanny State wants to make it legal for 8-year-olds to kill animals but that I can't have a weapon on my person to prevent violence being done against me.

Issue the Third: Car Seats for 7-year-olds

This is absolutely asinine! The Nanny State wants to require the people of Wisconsin to keep their children in car seats until the age of 8. 8! A further requirement involves height. That is, under 4'9" tall, you must be in one of these car seats. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous! I wasn't taller than 4'9" until high school. I am offended by the notion that a simple buckle-up rule isn't good enough. I am offended by the fact that this demeans young children and keeps them from taking the initial steps of growing up. How demoralizing to be in a car seat when you are in the 2nd and 3rd grade! A better question is, will the Wisconsin taxpayers be buying car seats for all of the school buses that take all of those kids to and from school? What crap! And how the hell are they going to know how old my child is, huh? Are they going to require me to carry a birth certificate to prove that my child is old enough not to require a carseat? Pffffbt!

But really what vexes me is the message that these three bills send. Apparently we are too stupid to take care of our kids until the age of 8, at which time the state wants to celebrate their freedom by letting them hunt, but still, I can not protect the lives of my child and myself by carrying a weapon concealed on my person. So, when the cops discover my dead and violated body in a pool of blood next to my child, I suppose they will enjoy knowing that she was in her carseat up until the day she got her own rifle.

It is so fucking stupid! I could barely lift a rifle at the age of 8 and I was decidedly not interested in killing an animal. On the other hand, I would have been mortified if I had been required to sit in a carseat at that age.

Whatever happened to reason and common sense?

posted by Phoenix | 10:05 AM


At 2:34 PM, Blogger Caltechgirl said...

which, de facto, means that they have just legislated that all parents of more than one child under 4'9" must now own an SUV or a mini-van.

Ever tried to put two baby seats in the back of a regular car, let alone two adult-sized boosters?

Forget it.

I thought we were supposed to be working towards fuel economy....

At 2:54 PM, Blogger L O D America, Inc. said...

you are very clever. i will be back to read your blog again. this is the first blog i have ever responded to that has intelligence, wit and charm.

At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can just imagine how my 7 year old twins would react if told they needed to sit in booster seats now. And I cannot imagine handing them a gun at the age of 8. I'm going to stop complaining about Michigan now.


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