Friday, June 09, 2006
Children Everywhere Envy This Boy
In my morning google, I uncovered this story of fantasies fulfilled.

Seven-year-old Connor Stasek, a first-grader at Union Elementary, became the school's Principal for the day when his parents won a silent auction. (Do click over and see him with his feet up on the desk.)

In a move that made him exceedingly popular with the students, Connor, or should I say Principal Stasek forbade homework for the day and added an extra recess.

The boy even came dressed for the job, which impressed kindergartners, wearing khakis, a button-down dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes.

My favorite part of the article?...
When asked by a reporter if he’s gotten any flak from the students, the young principal simply nodded no. In fact, he said, the job was less stressful than the daily grind of the first grade classroom.

“I don’t have to do all the class work and I can walk anywhere I want to,” Conner said. “I can do the announcements.”

It’s a job that carries its own freedoms. He could even boss the teachers around if he wanted, but there was no time for that. Milk cartons and ketchup packets needed to be opened carefully for kindergarteners. The job called for a principal.

Conner often found it difficult to find a few minutes to sit down during lunch before being summoned by his students at another table. The poor administrator only wanted a few moments peace.

The lunch break probably wasn’t the easiest part of the day for the young man in charge, but once the students returned to the classrooms he could get back to his Star Wars spaceships.

This story made my day. Admit it, it was your fantasy too, wasn't it?
posted by Phoenix | 1:03 PM


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