If you get me, you've hit bottom
Sometimes in my work I run into someone who doesn't think a woman could be anything other than a secretary.That pisses me off.
It is 2007. Women are doing more than making babies and doing dishes. We are running countries, corporations, and marathons.
The other day, a guy called, didn't identify himself, and said he "wanted to talk to one of the guys." I told him that the guys were either not present or unavailable. I told him if he wanted one of the guys, it would be a while, but I could have somebody call him. He got kind of peevish at this. I told him, "Look, the guys are not available and it is likely to be a while."
He said, "I want to talk to a [insert job title]."
"I am a [job title]," I said.
"Oh, well I guess I can talk to a girl..." he said.
And that made me want to say, "Are you sure? We wouldn't want anything to fall off. We don't want you to be tainted..."
Seriously. I mean, Come on!
Labels: Rant