To # 14
Dear #14,
Hello sir. Yes, I believe you to be male. No other horndog would so eagerly make the comment in #2 that you did when I specifically did not mention any part of my sister's anatomy.
That being said, I concede the first point you made, while politely pointing out two additional points:
a. I'm not in the market to know the specifics, but contend that the CIA could probably arrange a special flight if the need arose.
b. I think your comments have made your identity exceedingly clear, and so I must ask, since you have clearly NOT denied the theory...tell me, are you double-o rated? I am trying to preserve my anonymity here...but you appear to be outing yourself. Perhaps you need a refresher course. This is not very good spy behavior.
Next, your third issue, the legal status of Bermuda only falls back to defend my primary position. If the association is so loose, then it is still easier to fly in and out than O'hare. Thank you for the assistance in making my point.
Fie on you man! Short people have feelings too. 6 foot is tall by most standards, though perhaps not amongst CIA operatives.
Lastly though, I must say I found your comments both entertaining and enlightening and invite you back any time. But now that I have your attention, I have a few questions to ask:
1. When would be a good time for me to visit?
2. What is your favorite weapon?
3. What is the most surprising lesson you learned in Spook training?
4. I'm right aren't I? You are spies.
5. #14 - Is this your code name - like in James Bond how they had "M" and "Q"?
It was so pleasant to chat with you. I enjoyed it emmensely. Have a fabulous day!