Monday, November 01, 2004
17-year-olds and Politics
Woe is me. Woe is me.

I called my 17-year-old sister on Friday afternoon. I called her because she doesn't call me. I am her oldest sister, horribly uncool, but I love her just the same. I wanted to find out what she was thinking about the Presidential Election. I am about to impart a faithful recounting (or as close as memory and preserving anonymity will get me)of the most depressing conversation I've had in a long time.

Me: So, who do you like in the Presidential race?

Her: I'm voting for Kerry.

Me: Why?

Her: Because Bush will bring back the draft! Who do you like?

Me: Bush.

Her: But what about the draft?

Me: First off, you are only 17 and therefore can't vote yet. However, just so you know, Bush is not for renewing the draft, nor is the Republican-controlled Congress. Just so you know, the recent bill that was defeated was sponsored by two democrats, Sen. Hollings and Rep. Rangel. Bush is vehemently opposed to anything other than our all-volunteer force. Furthermore, nobody will vote for the draft because it is political suicide. You are aware that we have an all-volunteer force, right? Do you know why? It is much easier to fight with men who want to fight than those who do so against their will.

Her: That's not true!

Me: Yes it is. As a matter of fact, Kerry's own website suggests he supports a mandatory service for all high school students.

Her: That's not true!

Me: Yes it is. Moreover, in the unlikely event that the draft was reinstated, it probably wouldn't affect you, a girl. Have you done any research at all on this, or are you just watching MTV for the soundbytes?

Her: I've gotta go.
posted by Phoenix | 1:59 PM


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