Monday, March 28, 2005
More on Bloggers Rights
The So Cal Lawyer at the So Cal Law Blog reports that Rep. John Conyers of Michigan wants to confer upon bloggers the same rights as those afforded by the MSM. See this post by Mr. Conyers.

But, as I said in the comments over at SoCalLawyer, I am concerned with the way Conyer's post reads. It seems to indicate that he wants to give us a right. I object to this because, well…, I feel the right is already mine under the Constitutional protection of Free Speech. I am a citizen of the United States, after all.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

It seems to me that ANY legislation on this issue would be unconstitutional as it would abridge the freedom of speech because it would ipso facto diminish the rights of nonbloggers. You are the lawyer, what do you think? Bloggers should not have a protected status, except for that ensured as citizens who are free to speak at will. To me, it is a slippery slope. The Constitution guarantees the right. I am concerned that if Congress feels it has the right to give…it has the right to taketh away. And THAT is very disconcerting!

Now, I'm no lawyer, but I have read the Constitution. What do YOU think?
posted by Phoenix | 12:17 PM


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Footprint said...

freedom, to me at this point, seems most like a shrinking illusion. a prisoner can feel free in their mind and that is where we are going to have to do to be free. To smoke, to talk about political dissent, to eat fatty foods, are behaviors that we will have to do in our heads.
it seems paranoid and narcissistic but the pattern just seems to be shrinking where you cannot do anything, even in your home, that you wish. people can get used to checkpoints and searches of their property in the name of freedom (like the Russians and the Germans) and civil rights groups can scream til their hearts content. What will their screaming do??

just a thought.


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