Monday, April 11, 2005
Hell hath no Fury Like a Woman Scorned
Do you know what I despise?


Cowards Suck Donkey.

Take for example, the Villains Vanquished Villain Of The Day:

As regular readers are aware, last Thursday I hosted a meeting of my neighbors for the purposes of trying to get the neighborhood informed of the facts so that the group of us could make an informed decision regarding whether or not to start a neighborhood association. The meeting was non-confrontational. No allegations were made, no fingers pointed. It was a everybody's welcome, friendly environment. We discussed how to get the information out to our neighbors. We discussed sending out an informational letter and following up with another meeting. I drafted the letter and read it to the people at the meeting. They agreed that it was non-confrontational, not offensive, and above-board about the facts. I made a few additions to the letter at the requests of the others, and planned to mail the thing out this week with a list of the people who had signed/endorsed the information campaign.

But, lo and behold, I return on Sunday from our weekend away and find the neighborhood in an uproar. Some individual who attended the invited guest...distributed an unsigned (poorly written) letter to all of our neighbors. The coward told those not at the meeting that the committee planned to tell people how to cut their hair and raise their kids. He suggested that we felt superior to the others, and wanted to tell them what to do with their quarter of a million dollar homes. Essentially, he called us Nazis and suggested that we were going to steal money from the other homeowners and misappropriate it.


What a jerk! I am so angry I can't even see straight! I'd like to stake this guy out on an anthill and pour corn syrup on his private parts! I have the decency to not be bitchy, but diplomatic, donate my time, home, and culinary efforts, and what do I get? An anonymous bitchslap that amounts to little more than libel. F*** him or her! F*** 'em!

I am one pissed off mother, I tell you. I could kick a puppy!

If you do not have the balls to sign your scurrilous accusations, perhaps you ought not put them in writing! Scum-sucking, mouth-breathing troll!

(yeah, I realize the irony of me ranting about this on an anonymous blog.)
posted by Phoenix | 10:02 AM


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