Wednesday, April 13, 2005
"Uncle Tom's Log Cabin Republicans"
This post by Chrenkoff had me chuckling this morning. Go read it!

It is all about Slick Willy's response to Finkelstein's "Stop Her Now" anti-HRC campaign.

Apparently, Clinton felt the need to publicly out Finkelstein's sexual preference as a way to mitigate whatever credibility and traction the campaign might have. Chrenkoff, in his rapier style, thrusts right to the heart of these tactics:

Clinton, of course, can't point his finger and just say "he's a homosexual"
because these things are only supposed to matter to those homophobic
Republicans, and he can't say "he's a Republican homosexual" because that would
be a bit too tacky and too obvious, but he can always say "he's a self-loathing
homosexual", which 1) has the advantage of saying "he's a Republican homosexual"
(yeeks!) without actually saying it, 2) aims to discredit Finkelstein in the
eyes of those "bigoted right-wingers", 3) for those on your own side who worship
"authenticity", it indicates the biggest sin of all - fakiness, and 4) since all
real homosexuals are left-wing, it casts Finkelstein in the role of a sell-out,
betrayer and a renegade - an Uncle Tom (coming soon, a new classic of American
literature: "Uncle Tom's Log Cabin Republicans").

In the new Democrat strategy book you no longer need to kill the messenger, you only have to out him.

You should be reading Chrenkoff everyday.
posted by Phoenix | 8:45 AM


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