Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Current Events & Wacko Jacko
I have to tell you, I was really disappointed in yesterday's verdict in the Michael Jackson child molestation case. I am convinced that the guy is a child molester and think it is an absolute shame that the verdict wasn't different. Let's face it: Nobody pays $20 million in hush money if the charges are without merit.

Please don't think that I begrudge the jury their verdict. I understand that "beyond a reasonable doubt" is a tough standard. I just wish that it didn't seem like celebrities can get away with anything if they have enough cash and star power.

The jury may have found him "not guilty," but that doesn't mean he's innocent, if you know what I mean. But, I am afraid that some may not see the distinction in that statement. I mean, you'd have to be on crack to leave your child alone with Jacko for even a second, but some may hear "not guilty" and think that that means he is innocent. Let's face it, these folks who give their children's care into the hands of the freak at Neverland probably aren't that intelligent or discerning to begin with. So, I'm worried that this just means he is free to molest another day.
posted by Phoenix | 12:06 PM


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