Monday, June 27, 2005
Rites of Passage
Holy Shit!

I'm a Flappy Bird!

I'm moving up the food chain!

I don't even know what to say. I am humbled. Verily.

The thing about blogging is, you tell yourself that you do it for yourself. And for me it is true. But, you can't be oblivious of your readers. You know that they are there, and you appreciate them, every last one. You don't really know why they visit, what compels them to return. You just keep doing what you are doing in the hopes that somebody will be entertained or inspired or provoked into thought.

I started blogging because emailing my rants to family and bloggers was not quite working well for me. They read them, but it was difficult carrying on multiple electronic conversations, repeating my arguments in four or five places.

I watch my site meter tick up and I realize how gratifying it is to be loved - or at least linked. My blog family is amazing - not just for their support - but for the way they stimulate me. I know that many who visit just lurk and leave. I don't mind. I lurk at several blogs myself. I'm just glad you stopped by.

How cool am I, huh? A Flappy Bird. Wait 'til I tell my dad. (He won't get it, but he'll be suitably proud anyway.)
posted by Phoenix | 2:52 PM


At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



; )


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