Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Rambling Wednesdays
Look, I know it is a lame title, but gimme a break, 'kay? I'm up to my eyebrows in crappola here, with a list longer than my arm of things to do. Now adding "pluck eyebrow strays" to bottom of said list.


Double damn.

Guess what? I'm freakin' irritable today. Somebody, anybody, CALGON: Take me away!

Here's the deal kiddies. I'm trying to sell my house, looking to buy another, stressing about all things baby, designing a kitchen, and attempting to preserve my marriage. The last is at issue because Prince Charming has the week off of work. Egad! He's driving me insane!

The man is a workaholic! When I get home from work, usually, I relax for a few minutes before I start in on my chores. (Sometimes I never get to the chores. I can admit it - I'm a reasonable person.) But yesterday when I got home, he was all about dusting and cleaning the kitchen and cleaning the return air registers. The man can't manage to get all the toothpaste down the drain in his sink, but clean the return air registers? No problem.

My weekend taught me one thing about myself. I'm a prima donna. It's true! My standards are too high. There are people suffering abjectly all over the world, and I'm all hung up on my own comfort, the comfort of my husband, and that of my unborn child. I'm like J Lo insisting on Butt Cream X or Britney making people sort out only the green m&m's for my personal consumption.

I, just like the other prima donnas, shall not apologize. I am aware of the problem and that seems to me to be a good first step.

Let's see...what else?

Ah, yes!

Since I'm not going to be feeding your brain today with anything good, check out these links:

Just Breathe - Man Woos Mammary Glands

Cake Eater Chronicles - Occam's Razor

Feisty Repartee - Wee One Wants Hers to be Red

More later if I get some stuff done.
posted by Phoenix | 1:55 PM


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