Monday, September 06, 2004
Good Advice
My sister is brilliant, but then I've known this for some time now. I mention it now because she is one of a short list of people who I can talk to about politics intelligently.

We were talking today about the coming election and she was able to put into words what I have been trying desperately to articulate. We both agree that we don't love everything about George W. Bush. I despise Kerry for his hypocrisy. She is less adamant, but finds him equally despicable. Kerry is no choice.

But what she said that I found so true was this, "I have to vote for George W. Bush. To do otherwise validates the terrorists. It says I am willing to be held hostage. If I send this message, ...if we send this message, the terrorists have won. We have this President who sends a very clear message that terrorism will not be tolerated, that we shall chase the perpetrators to the very edges of the earth. To choose anyone else, for any reason, tells the terrorists that they are not our central focus. And they must be. They absolutely must be. So, for anybody still undecided and sitting on the fence, ask yourself what message you want to send to the terrorists."

I can't say it any better than that. Once again, she is spot-on and has boiled the issue down to its essence.

So, all you undecideds out there...what's it gonna be? Do you want to be a hostage or victim...or a free person living in a free world?
posted by Phoenix | 3:12 PM


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