Tuesday, January 04, 2005
A few comments to the people in the airport...
As I was traveling, I ran into a few people in airports and didn't say the things I felt like saying, out of courtesy in a place where the discourteous get visited by the TSA.

1. To the guy taking my order in DFW at the Food Court: Dude, when I order two items, repeat my order, then act surprised that the total is so low, then ask if that covers both items, and you say "yes" it is really BAD form to get snippy when I point out that you only put one item in the bag and I'm not going to through the line again for your mistake. Ring it up, Idiot. I'll pay for it.

2. To the lady who wasn't keeping tabs on her two 8-year-old girls in the DFW concourse: Lady, you are proof that they'll let anybody be a parent. Do you think you could, I don't know, FREAKIN' PARENT? Do you want them to be abducted by white-slavers or was I wearing a sign on my forehead that says "Free Public Babysitter"?

3. To the TSA agent searching my bag: Dude, I've already been in line for 30 minutes waiting behind 7 people. 7 people! If I point out other possible compartments you may need to check on my bag it is not because I am a terrorist, but because my flight leaves in 5 minutes and you've only screened 7 people in 30 minutes, with a team of 8 people helping you!

4. To the TSA agent who let those other people get in front of us in line: ARRRRRRGH! My plane leaves in 15 minutes!

5. To the girl in front of me in line at security: If you have to warn the TSA agent that you have multiple piercings all over your body, including places the TSA agent can't see...a) you have too many piercings and b) do the rest of us a favor and take some of them out next time. It is not pleasurable waiting in eternity for your "style" to clear security. Jacko could get through a room of 6-year-olds faster.
posted by Phoenix | 1:07 PM


At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a frequent flier I feel you pain! Just found your blog via IMAO (through SarahK's site) and will probably be checking back in. You kick ass!



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