Prognosticating Phoenix
Each year, my mystical eye zeroes in and I am able to see what is yet to be. Madam Phoenix will now don her gypsy earrings and say some sooths.
(To be read in an eerie mystical voice)
1. Britney Spears marriage will begin to crumble before the end of 2005.
2. Martha Stewart will be released from prison and mount her comeback as a domestic maven.
3. Yet another overpaid millionaire professional athelete will become embroiled in the media awareness of his shenanigans.
4. Brett Favre will retire.
5. Tiger Woods will begin winning again.
6. The Cubs will win the world series (hey, if the Red Sox can do it, why not the Cubbies?)
7. Hillary Clinton will move a bit to the right politically in order to begin positioning herself for '08.
8. Yushchenko will win the Ukrainian re-run of the election.
9. Fashion from the 1940s will make a revival. Hats & Gloves for the ladies.
10. Iraq will successfully hold real democratic elections and form their own government, pissing off Islamic militants worldwide, not to mention Iran & Syria.