Thursday, January 27, 2005
Of Auschwitz & Genocide
Today is a day to think back on the lessons of the past. Kathy has a thought-provoking post up. Click to read it.

It goes without saying that Hitler was evil, the Nazi Regime was evil, and that they perpetrating numerous crimes against humanity. Chief among these crimes was the genocide of the Jewish people of Europe. But, it is important to remember that the Jews were not the only victims. There were at least 11 million victims, 6 million were Jewish. But there were many who were not. The Polish people, as a group, were targeted for extermination. The gypsies were subject to annihilation. Jehovah Witnesses were persecuted. Priests and pastors, homosexuals, and the disabled were all victims. Africans, or those of African descent, also were targeted.

It would be irresponsible not to recognize the evil in all its forms. Much attention is given to the Jewish victims, as is proper, but we should not forget any of the others.

For example, my own family has some concentration camp history. We are not Jewish. In the very distant past, there is some gypsy ancestry, but my great-great uncle (My great-grandmother's sister's husband) was thrown in a concentration camp by the Reich for...speaking out against Hitler and his policies.

How do I know this? Easy. The parties lived to tell the tales. You see, my great-great aunt ransomed him to achieve his release. No, he didn't die. But he was still a victim. (Ah, family lore. On my father's side we have a connection to Paul Revere...what can I say? I love this stuff!) But I digress.

Genocide has not been wiped off the face of the Earth. It is still being practiced by evil men. No, we don't do enough to combat it...but I suggest to you that it will always be thus. Hate is an easy thing for the human race to do. It is human nature to seek to place yourself above others, to see some as better than others. It is the reason for country clubs, exclusive men's clubs, the haves vs. the have-nots. It is the West vs. the East. It is religious zealots proclaiming the only true path. Everybody wants to feel superior to somebody else. Taken to extremes, this can lead to the extermination of one group at the hands of another.

None of which makes it right, merely more easily understood. Humans are really just another subset of the larger group of animals on Earth. Sure, some of are civilized to some extent, but it is very difficult to completely throw off the chains of our cave-dwelling days. We would all like to believe that we are enlightened, and civilized, and controlled in our actions and reactions. But it isn't so. When cornered, even the most domesticated of animals will bite.

Take today and remember the follies of man. For those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
posted by Phoenix | 8:51 AM


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