Illegal Immigration
Everybody else has weighed in on this topic, so why can't I?It was this article where Arnold praises the Minuteman project that provoked me to ring in.
I want to preface my thoughts with this though: I am not a racist. I don't care who you are or what you look like. Come into the US legally and I'll never bat an eye.
I'm actually from the Southwest, in an area where there are lots of both legal and illegal immigrants from countries to the South. We also have lots of immigrants from the Philippines.
But this area is particularly rural. We don't have a lot of industry. Hell, there's only 2,406 people in the county where I'm from! Agriculture is THE industry here. We have immigrant employees working on green cards. But, there are also illegals in the area. And...for such a place lacking in tax base (nearly all of the tax base is farmland) local services are burdened with the illegals. This is a county with 1 hospital. One. It is not the kind of place that can afford a lot of uninsured care, where the county picks up the tab. More often than not, other problems arise as well. Only these additional problems also get into the county's pocket in that they require the attention of our very limited police force. I think we have one sheriff and three duputies IN THE COUNTY. That's a huge area to patrol (680 square miles) and only a few bodies to get it done.
Most of the immigrants, legal or illegal, are well-intentioned. Unfortunately, a few bad apples can ruin the bunch. And whether it is the adult or the child causing problems in the community, unfortunately, everyone knows exactly who is to blame. Everybody knows everybody else's business.
Look, we are all immigrants, not matter how many generations you are from the boat. But, there is a difference between a legal immigration and an illegal one. I understand wanting to feed your family, but acting within the law must be a priority. If you'll break the law to enter the you honestly feel the need to follow all of the other laws?
Here's an example for ya, right from my hometown:
There once was a large family headed to the high school to watch the oldest son in a sporting event. The rest of the family was all piled into the same vehicle. The children ranged in age from high school to quite young. The family followed all of the vehicular laws in their efforts to get to the school. However, they were almost all killed when an illegal immigrant unlicensed driver completely ignored a stop sign and plowed right into them. The family had the right of way, but it didn't matter. In a few moments, a family was decimated. The few members that weren't killed instantly had to be flown out to bigger hospitals. That ignorant sob killed a family...except for the teenage son that was still at school preparing to go on the field.
And let us be perfectly clear here. Site of the stop sign wasn't impeded by trees. This is the High Plains: flat vistas where you can see forever, uninterrupted farm land for miles. Either the idiot was ignorant of the rules of the road and didn't recognize a stop sign, felt himself above the law, or was attempting suicide. I for one refuse to excuse him no matter what the deficit was on his part.
So, if you ask me, I would have to say that I too support the Minutemen. I believe you should come into this country legally and live by its laws. Then, become a naturalized citizen. But if you are just going to be a burden to the community, sucking at the teat of social services, go to Europe. It would be cheaper for us to buy you a plane ticket than a lifetime of welfare and other services.
I know that this view is not popular on the left. But please note that I believe the law should be sancrosanct. We are involved in a war where people want to sneak into this country and blow up kiddies in shopping malls. Now is not the time to invite all comers to the grand buffet without a bouncer checking their invitations at the door. Moreover, the leeches prove an unbearable burden on small communities and reduce the benefits to legal beneficiaries.
That's all I have to say about that.