Friday, May 26, 2006
Special Classes: Above the Law

This post inspired by the brilliant Cox & Forkum.

Your elected officials in Congress have been huffing and puffing enough to blow the house down over the fact that the FBI executed a search warrant on Jefferson Clinton (Democrat - Louisiana), the US Representative under investigation for taking bribes.

Mr. Clinton, you see, failed to respond to a federal subpoena, so the Justice Department played one of the bigger cards in its hand. They searched Mr. Clinton's office and home with a legal warrant issued by a judge. (And, they found cold hard cash stashed in his freezer that traces back to a bribe.)

Ah, but you see, the Wicked Witch of the East, Nancy Pelosi, and House Speaker Dennis Hastert took umbrage at this display of FBI power as it is "unconstitutional" - except it really isn't. It may be contrary to custom, but it is not unconstitutional, yet another example of how our elected officials are unfamiliar with the document that guides this country.

But, here is why I am upset.

It makes clear, now, that there are special classes of people here in the USA that are above the law. The first group: illegal aliens. Clearly, the Senate feels that these people are not subject to existing immigration laws, identity theft measures, or fraud laws. The second group: US Senators and Representatives, who are apparently above subpoenas and warrants.

No man is above the law in this country. Or, at least they aren't supposed to be. The days of droit du seigneur are supposed to be over, but this American Citizen still feels like she is getting screwed.

Mr. Clinton failed to heed a federal subpoena. Do you have any idea what would happen to you or me if we did that? Should we not, as American Citizens, be able to expect that our own elected officials will follow the law and comply with federal investigations that suggest that some entity has been exerting unfair and illegal pressure on our legislature? Do we not have a right to make sure that our representation in Congress is, if nothing else, free from the taint of bribery? I certainly think so.

This country was founded on the ideals of equality under the law. No exceptions. If you are here, you are subject to the law. And the law says, no bribe-taking, or making. Moreover, it is incumbent on the American Citizen to have an active hand in our government. That is what "We the People" is all about. It is our government.

Our Representatives and Senators serve at our pleasure.

That means you and me. We have a right to expect that our views will weigh more heavily with our elected officials than somebody with a deep pocket.

This is the way it is supposed to be.

And I get a very red ass over elected officials whimpering, whining, and braying that Executive Power is out of control. You want out of control? Try a guy selling votes on for size. You don't get to ignore legal warrants and subpoenas in this land, I don't care who you are. Get over yourselves. Not only are we your boss, but we also own the office that was searched. You can't expect any special protection in this space. Not from the American Citizen.

So, it appears that our elected Legislature has abdicated their responsibility for the law. Ironic, doncha think?


posted by Phoenix | 11:51 AM


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Searching the office of a sitting Congressman? It's an insult! An insult, I say!!! I think the entire House of Representatives should resign in protest. The Senate too. Of course that'll leave us without a Congress, but I'm willing to risk it.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Phoenix said...

I second the motion!


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