Thursday, July 13, 2006
Offer Him Your Cherry
Today's topic for the sadly thin ranks of the Demystifying Divas and The Men's Club is a doozy sure to bring up all sorts of scandalous tales.

What is the most brazen thing you've done to get the attention of a member of the opposite sex?

Me? I'm a good girl, I am. The most brazen thing I've done was offer a man my cherry. And then, I fed it to him.

It was so bad girl, at least to my drunken mind.

I took the cherry right out of my drink, held it up to him, made the offer, and then looked at him deeply and meaningfully as I lowered the fruit into his mouth.

It worked too. I got exactly what I wanted.

Now, I'm not saying that you should, but if you decide that you need a little more brazen in your life, I have a few pointers.

1. Don't mistake brazen for slutty. If you are going to behave in a way that draws male attention to yourself, don't be vulgar. Do be suggestive, but in a creative way. Don't be manipulative. Don't be bitchy. Do be playful and fun. Men are always more interested in a girl having a good time and laughing than a scantily clad ho looking for someone to tie to her bedposts.

2. Don't overreach or overact. Do have the decency to verify that your intended target is unattached and available. Don't make an ass of yourself.

3. Be the most beautiful, exciting, confident, and cleverest version of yourself. That will be enough.

Check out what other brazen things have been done: Mark, Arielle, Jamesyboy.
posted by Phoenix | 9:36 AM


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