Friday, October 01, 2004
The Great Debate
Well, I only caught the end of the debate for reasons I will rant about in another post.

I don't want to talk about who won, who lost, or body language. I'd like to talk about one thing that seems to clearly quantify for me how idiotic M. Kerry is.

M. Kerry made two points that seem diametrically oposed to me. Namely:

1. We need to get our world respect back, stop doing Iraq unilaterally, and bring our allies back to the table to do their fair share.

2. We should go it alone with North Korea. We should give in to Kim Jong Il's demands for bi-lateral talks, effectively cutting Russia, China, Japan, and South Korea out of the discussion.


M. Kerry is running against an incumbent, so he has to say The President is doing things wrong. That's a given. should probably do more than say you are going to do things better. Tell me how, dammit. Furthermore, we do not invade Iraq unilaterally. A large number of nations joined us, including but not limited to Great Britain, Australia, Poland, etc. To still be suggesting that they contribute nothing is a slap in the face to those countries and denies the sacrifices made by their militaries, families, and citizens.

If the idea is to be "stronger at home, and respected in the world" I suggest we stop insulting the nations who have proven to be strong allies, and of course this would include not calling Allawi a puppet with a hand up his shirt. What Kerry and his krowd are really upset about, to this day, was the lack of France, Germany, and Russia in the coalition. The fact of the matter is, France and Germany were NEVER going to join us. They were doing too well under Saddam to suddenly change teams.

Everyone in the world agreed that Saddam had WMD, President Bush didn't make that up, even Putin admits that he gave Bush damning intelligence about Saddam's agenda. To this day, France and Germany deny any possibility of sending any troops to Iraq. They have said it doesn't matter who the President of the United States is, that isn't gonna change. So be it. I contend they are not really allies. They are diametrically opposed to us, intent on gaining power for themselves. We did not "rush to war" in Iraq as Kerry likes to say. There were 12 years of diplomacy, sanctions, UN resolutions, and containment by way of no-fly zones. It was time, LONG PAST TIME, that Saddam was dealt with by the world. If the three pussies don't want to get involved, fine. Better men than they are ready for the fight. We can, and we will finish it.

Now, somebody tell me why "unilateral action" in Iraq is bad (using Kerry's words here, not mine, I've clearly argued how it was neither unilateral nor rushed) but "unilateral action" in North Korea is advisable.

Kim Jong Il is just another bully holding the world hostage. He wants to talk solely with the US because we are the ones he wants goodies from. However, diplomacy would suggest that China, South Korea, Japan, and Russia all have an incredibly vested interest in the discussions. For god's sake, they are the countries most at risk. Were George Bush to concede to cutting out these the heck does that make nice with the international community? It doesn't! Besides which, Kim Jong Il needs to be shown that THE WORLD is against him, not just the US.

John Kerry is suggesting a strategy that is foolhardy, diplomatically suicidal, and hypocritical.


posted by Phoenix | 7:57 AM


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