Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Outrage of the Day
I received an email from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. She writes:

I'm so annoyed at the supposed punishment of Sandy Berger I could spit. In today's environment which is so dependent upon security, why oh why are we not using this as an example of what will happen to the white collar terrorists as well as those who actually create the explosions?

I'm not saying he's a terrorist in the "america is evil so I want to destroy it" genre. However, I do think he cut open America's security and gave documents to someone who shouldn't have them. I'm sure the motivation was politics or money--some version of greed to be sure. While I agree we need to watch others, our greatest threat comes from inside: sleeper cells, sabotage, people who pretend to be Americans but are only there to bring it down on moral principle or to profit from demise. Would someone explain to me why there is no outrage?

I wish I could offer something that would make her feel better, but I am equally outraged. The MSM has not given this the attention it deserves, nor the attention it would have garnered if the perpetrator had been a Republican instead of a Democrat. A deal was obviously struck, and who knows what all of the politics that played out were, but I do not feel like justice has been served.

The fact remains that there appears to be two justices in the world of politics: one for Democrats and one for Republicans. If a Republican had smuggled documents out of the archives and destroyed them, the MSM would be clamoring for blood. This guy was reviewing documents to prepare to testify before the 911 Commission. He smuggled documents out in his pants, socks, and briefcase. He then lied about doing so! These were not innocent acts, nor the actions of someone who didn't know better. He used to be the freakin' national security advisor for heaven's sake! If anybody knows the proper handling procedures of secure documents, it would be he.

I don't know where the outrage is, to be honest. I don't think it was important to the MSM, so we just don't hear enough to actually garner any outrage. But I agree, the punishment was lighter than it ought to have been.

Somebody cut a deal, that's for darn sure.

Update: Here's some outrage for you.

Update Two: More outrage can be found here and Powerline weighs in here. An interesting article can be found here on the subject.

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posted by Phoenix | 8:52 AM


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