Monday, May 02, 2005
Lacking in Honor
As most of you know, I unplug on the weekends. No computer, minimal tv news, and little in the way of email. So, it came as a complete shock to me this morning when I turned on the news at 5 a.m. to learn that Jennifer Wilbanks is alive and well.

That's wonderful news. But the story continued to unfold, and we learn that she did not meet with foul play as she initially alleged, but merely hopped a bus out of fear of marriage, or some such bullshit.

This woman...argh! I swear to you, as infuriated me to no end!

Simply put, she is completely lacking in honor! If you do get cold feet, that's fine. It's even normal! But to run off in the dead of night without any personal effects...irresponsible and dangerous. She could have been abducted anywhere along her flight path, and no one would ever have known where the real scene of the crime was. Moreover, even if she didn't want anyone to stop her from her decided path, should could have called her best friend or mother so that they could assure everyone she wasn't lying in a ditch dead. It is heartless, what she did. She let her fiance, presumably the man she loves, be the primary suspect in her disappearance and the whole country was wondering if he wasn't the next Scott Peterson. She left her parents holding the bag for what appears to have been a very lavish wedding. Caterers don't do returns, you know. And, there is the emotional roller coaster she sent everyone riding on for nearly a week. See what I mean? Irresponsible, unthinking, selfish, childish. It would have cost her nothing to pick up the phone, dial her parent's house and say, "I'm alive. I'm safe. Don't worry." And hang up. Did she do that? Noooooooo.

Then she lies about being abducted like that Audrey Seiler witch here in Madison. She lacks honor. And I gotta say, if I were her fiance, I wouldn't marry her now for all the money in Manhattan. And if I were her parent, I wouldn't care how old she is, she needs a spanking.

You don't want to be married? You are scared? Fine. But have the courage, the compassion, and the cajones to admit it. Be upfront about it. Don't be a skanky ho.
posted by Phoenix | 8:07 AM


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