Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Greenwich Meme Time
Picked this one up from Kathy. I'm such a sucker for these.

1. My uncle once: laughed out loud when I shot him with my SuperSoaker.
2. Never in my life: have I been naked in public.
3. When I was five: I was the most popular girl in school. Seriously! My valentine bag fell off the wall because I had gotten two boxes of chocolates and a necklace. The necklace was from a classmate named (I swear) Danny Boone. The chocolates were from Kit Carson and JD, don't remember his last name.
4. High School was: fabulous! I was a mover and a shaker, very involved. I was constantly organizing something. I have never been busier or felt more free.
5. I will never forget: the first kiss I shared with the man who would become my husband. He totally shocked me.
6. I once met: someone who thought his owning guns for hunting was okay, but my owning one for self-protection was not.
7. There's this girl I know who: used to give blow jobs in church pews. Not a nice girl.
8. Once, at a bar: I was so drunk I literally fell off my chair. Incidentally, it was right after I had burned a picture of someone in effigy.
9. By noon, I'm usually: hungry again, at least that's the case these days.
10. Last night: I was asleep by 8 pm.
11. If I only had: a year to live, I'd spend all my time with my family.
12. Next time I go to church: I'll have to drag my husband with me.
13. Terry Schiavo: is dead. Let the poor woman be. She's done being your political football. Go find somebody else to screw.
14. What worries me most: Terrorism & the spread of Socialism
15. When I turn my head left, I see: gray wall
16. When I turn my head right, I see: gray wall
17. You know I'm lying when: I sweat and look nervous.
18. What I miss most about the eighties: my figure and my Guess jeans with the zippers at the ankles.
19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I'd be: Kate, the shrew, or one of the three witches from Macbeth.
20. By this time next year: I will no longer be pregant, but a mommy of a 5-month old. Wow. That's scary to contemplate.
21. A better name for me would be: Princess or Queen Bitch
22. I have a hard time understanding: Democrats, Liberals, and the way they think.
23. If I ever go back to school, I'll: get my MBA, like I intended to, so that I can say I've done it and to make myself more marketable.
24. You know I like you if: I bother to speak to you. I am of the opinion that 90% of people aren't worth my time. If you are reading this, congrats - you make the cut!
25. If I ever won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: my dad, my mom, my stepmom, and my sister.
26. Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: dead, dead, who?, & joke
27. Take my advice, never: drink champagne in the jacuzzi
28. My ideal breakfast is: an omelet, hashbrowns, and orange juice.
29. A song I love, but do not have is: I've Never Been to Me
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you bring something to do. Manter, KS is not known for it's appeal to visitors.
31. Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: Roses, opinionated, huh?, and Rosie O'Donnell (see, I can do it to.)
32. Why won't people: think for themselves?
33. If you spend the night at my house: you can have your own comfortable room and delightfully decorated bath and I will make you a fabulous omelet for breakfast after we've had steak and creme brulee the night before.
34. I'd stop my wedding for: George Strait. I don't have designs on the man, but if he decided last minute to sing at the wedding & reception I'd change all of my plans to suit his schedule.
35. The world could do without: religious extremists.
36. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: ever come face-to-face with my would-be rapist again.
37. My favorite blonde is: my cousin Karla
38. Paper clips are more useful than: widgets. What the hell is a widget?
39. If I do anything well, it's: bake. Didn't you see the pictures?
40. And by the way: I organized a strike at the age of 8.


posted by Phoenix | 10:13 AM


At 6:47 PM, Blogger amelie said...

that's awesome!


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