Friday, November 10, 2006
Mainstream Media Bias: Now Undeniable

Last night, I was watching ER when the local NBC affiliate had a teaser for the 10 o'clock news during commercials. Get This Take on Tuesday's Election Results - according to the teaser, it was a Democratic Landslide.

A Landslide!

That's like calling Nicole Richie "of average weight."

It wasn't a landslide. A landslide would be 90% of governorships, 90% of the legislature, more than 425 seats in the House and better than 65 senators. A moderate majority in the House and a slim margin in the Senate do not a landslide make. Yeah, the governor here is Wisconsin remains a Democrat - but their high hopes for the AG failed. Falk lost to Van Hollen. My own state representative, Eugene Hahn (whose office has been exceedingly helpful to me in the past) a Republican, beat his Democratic challenger in a three-peat. Moreover, these were not the only 2 Republicans elected in Wisconsin on Tuesday. Yes, the insipid Baldwin and Kohl won reelection, and the Democrats may have retaken the State Assembly, but the State Senate remains in GOP control.

Calling Tuesday's results a Democratic Landslide is like calling Paris Hilton a great beauty. Or Rosie O'Donnell a major media maven. Or Kevin Federline the Artist Who Epitomizes Our Times. Or Tara Reid a "great mind."

I get it, you are excited. But, before you wet your pants, a little reality might be advisable.

Of course, this isn't an isolated incident. All of a sudden the MSM is seizing on the positive economic news of the recent past (ok - to be fair they are only interested in showing this week's results) and claiming it is all due to the change in power in Congress. See Ace's post here to see what I mean. Several weeks ago the Dow climbed over 12000 - but only now they are making a big deal about it. Before the election, they'd have to admit who is President during all of this and manage to deny anything positive that could come from his leadership. But now, the world is a sea of sunshine because Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker.

I imagine they'll also claim the victory of the recent unemployment numbers as further endorsement from the business world.
posted by Phoenix | 9:10 AM


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