Bruce Willis Rocks
Michelle Malkin is reporting this morning about Bruce Willis's interest in making a movie about Deuce Four, the outfit that Michael Yon was embedded with. Bruce, if I can be so bold as to refer to Mr. Willis with such familiarity, wants to bring the good news of the War in Iraq to a theater near you. Bruce discovered while on a USO visit that the good news wasn't making it to your "intrepid reporters" and discovered that Michael Yon was the lone voice in that vast wilderness. If you haven't read Michael Yon's dispatches, you should. They are a fitting tribute to the sort of regular-guy heroes that make up our armed forces.
Anyway, Bruce and his pal recently attended the Deuce Four Welcome Home Ball. Read about it here.
For the record, I think it is a great idea to make this movie. I'd go see it! And, there's no one better to do it respectfully than Bruce Willis. Yippy-kai-ay!