Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I think she's homesick
My littlest sister (not SpySistah) began college on Monday.

She has always been a fearless go-her-own-way kind of girl. Not for her were the same Mid-Western universities. Both the University of Illinois - Champaign and the University of Wisconsin were rejected as "too cold."

And by this we are to understand that there was not enough beach/sun-tanning opportunities.

Just in case you were thinking she wanted a more intimate and cozy college experience.

No! She wanted sunshine.

So, she's going to school at the University of Central Florida. It is ironic then, don't you think, that even though we all warned her about hurricanes, humidity, bugs, and rain that she now complains that it rains all the time there? I had to laugh. She took her convertible down there to drive and now she's sitting in a puddle. It is too hot there, she says. She's dripping with sweat when she gets to class. That is, when she isn't soaked to the skin from the rain.

Must be lovely.

In particular, she complained of something she called "wet rash." It sounds just awful. But still, very funny.

The hallowed halls of the UofI aren't looking too bad now, are they?

It is also ironic, I think, that she's been so chatty. This is the girl who would go for months without calling or emailing me. She's called me twice in one week! Did you catch that? She called me.

I think she's homesick. Florida isn't as glamorous as she thought, I guess.
posted by Phoenix | 2:20 PM


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