Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I've Come to Realize...
Hurray! Another meme! This one came from the swashbuckling El Capitan of the Baboon Pirates. A shipful of nautical primates...sounds...messy. Anyway, on with the show:

The "I've Come to Realize" Meme:

1. I have come to realize that my butt: is like a black hole. It only expands - no matter how much I work out. The best I can hope for is a pair of jeans that make it look smaller. Like wallpapering the Grand Canyon, but whatever...

2. I have come to realize that when I talk: I am very emphatic and passionate, sometimes to my detriment.

3. I have come to realize that if I love someone: I am able to forgive a great many things, that I find personal calm in that relationship, and that it is a valuable jewel that I treasure.

4. I have come to realize that I need: more sleep than I really get, and a multitude of projects to occupy my busy brain. Or I'm not really happy.

5. I have come to realize that I lost: my mind and my memory the moment I became a mother.

6. I have come to realize that I hate it when: the phone rings.

7. I have come to realize that if I'm drunk: I make inappropriate observations and compliments such as "you have such a cute little nose!" Seriously. Where does that come from?

8. I have come to realize that marriage: is a sublime state for me - my natural element. Some people are natural atheletes, I'm a natural wife. I enjoy the unspoken conversations, the reading of each other's minds, and the joy we find in each other and our child. Of course, this doesn't mean that I take it for granted that I'm married to a Prince or that I slack off. I appreciate him and our life together behind measure.

9. I have come to realize that work: makes me happy and it fulfills in me that need to accomplish something. I am aware of my workaholic tendencies, but prefer to see them as the by-product of a perfectionist state of being. I am never satisfied with my own performance.

10. I have come to realize that I will always be: a bitch. Frankly, I am far too opinionated to not rub a lot of people the wrong way. Screw 'em. I am who I am.

11. I have come to realize that I like: soft things. Baby feet, cashmere, silk, kittens...

12. I have come to realize that the last time I cried was: stress related and usually a signal that I need more sleep and more time with Bunny Boop. I worry that I'm not a good mommy.

13. I have come to realize that my cell phone is: something I'd really rather live without. But then, when would I find the time to talk to Christina?

14. I have come to realize that when I wake up in the morning: I am an ugly beast. Nobody wants to see that. Hair like the Bride of Frankenstein, breath that would kill a dragon, and crusty eyes...not pretty. Not pretty at all...

15. I have come to realize that before I go to sleep at night: I like to peek in on Bunny and kiss Prince Charming, even though they are both asleep. Knowing they are quiet gives me peace.

16. I have come to realize that right now I am thinking about: lunch, lunch time errands, and a bajillion other things like upcoming birthdays and such.

17. I have come to realize that babies: really are miracles and that I'd like another one. A child makes you see the best in the world and in yourself. I look at a baby and I feel...soft and warm.

18. I have come to realize that today I will: be going home early due to the weather.

19. I have come to realize that tonight I will: be working on another project, right after I work out and make supper and feed and bathe the child.

20. I have come to realize that tomorrow I will: do it all over again.

21. I have come to realize that I really want to: have another baby and get my MBA.

22. I have come to realize that working out: is a necessary evil and is acceptable if I consider it "Me Time."

23. I have come to realize that friends: are the grease that makes life livable. They are the release valve. I have some excellent friends and I am thankful for the role they play in keeping me sane.

24. I have come to realize that, the person who might repost this is: forget it, I am clueless.


posted by Phoenix | 1:12 PM


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