Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Meme Time Again
Kathy has tagged me for another meme. So, without further ado...

Five things I miss from my childhood:

1. The way my sister would giggle evilly and creep me out. At midnight, those dark brown eyes of hers, in addition to her creepy giggle, would scare the bejeezus out of me, her older sister. There were times when I thought about tying her up to keep myself safe from the devil inside.

2. Firing my sister. We used to play "office" when we were younger and, as the oldest, I was the "boss." I used to fire her six or seven times per day, each time she was reincarnated as a new employee, but the poor thing got fired ALOT. We even had adding machines with tape! It was great.

3. Swimming at the Johnson pool. Each summer we would go to the farm and we were required, as 'farmkids', to help out around the farm. However, my stepmother also insisted that we get to be regular kids, so two times per week we would get to go to the pool after lunch. We would swim for hours until 3 p.m. when all of the kids were required to exit the pool for the "Adult Swim" which lasted 15 minutes and was mainly comprised of the sun-bathing women getting damp without all of that nasty splashing. Then, we would swim some more. At around 5 pm, we would depart to go to the grocery store where my stepmother would pick up a few necessities while us kids chose an Archie comic and a candy bar. Then we would sit quietly reading on the drive home.

4. Wheat Harvest. As a farmkid, every year I was assigned several tasks to complete each day during harvest. When I was very young, this included making beds and helping prepare meals in the kitchen. As I grew older, my tasks got more important. For a while I ran the scale house, cleaned out combines and washed windows, and helped with meals. When I turned 14, I started driving truck and delivering meals to the field. When I was 16 I was super-busy. I would have to gas up three trucks and get them to the field. Then, I would wait until the first truck was full, then drive it to the house, scale my truck, dump my truck, scale my truck, and then return to the field for the second truck which was invariably full by the time I returned. Then the cycle would repeat. However, sometime late-morning I would have to run back to the house and get the lunchboxes that were waiting to be delivered to the field. Then I would go back to driving & dumping trucks. Then, late in the afternoon (5 or 6 pm), I would do one of three things: a) stop driving truck and return to the house to fix supper and deliver to the field between 7 and 8 pm, b) run to town to pick up the order for supper that was placed at the cafe (burgers & shakes all around) or c)run to town to pick up parts for a broken-down combine. They were the longest days! We would be up at 7 am, at work by 7:30, and work all day and night until midnight or 1 am. It sounds crazy, but I miss it. I miss the company and working hard for a good purpose.

5. Schwan man's raspberry push ups, drumsticks, and icecream sandwiches. Yum. Ooh - and Fun Dip, Sugar Daddies, and Pop Rocks. Fried bread at the Stage Stop Cafe, stealing tater tots off of other people's plates, CORN DOGS. Legos. Barbies. Barbie clothes. (My barbie was the CEO of her own fashion empire.) Riding the big wheel. Ooh, and singing in the car.

The rules:

Remove the #1 item from the following list, bump everyone up one place and add your blog's name in the #5 spot. You need to link to actually link to each of the blogs for the link-whorage aspect of this fiendish meme to kick in.

Villainous Company
Pirate's Cove
Fistful of Fortnights
Cake Eater Chronicles
Villains Vanquished

Next, select four unsuspecting victims, list and link to them.

This is always the tough part for me. I think the Noble Eagle should take it up, though I'm not sure how much time he's spending online these days. Mark at WitNit should be tagged. The blog cousin, Amelie should also weigh in. And, lastly, I'd like my spy sistah to answer and I'll post her response on my blog.


posted by Phoenix | 9:03 AM


At 10:18 PM, Blogger amelie said...

wow, i've now been tagged twice! how cool is that?!

At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

things I miss from childhood:
1- going swimming at the Johnson pool, walking the sprinklers in the cornfields...a job I could do without help.
2- my cat, Omar
3- getting to read books all the time
4- playing games and tag at recess
5- climbing the rope in gym class

things I don't miss from childhood:
1- Harvest (Phoenix, are you CRAZY? do I have to remind you what the wheat chaf, sweat, and flies were like? I spent my time in the scalehouse and had a different experience, but you have GOT to be kidding.)
2- Getting yelled at for not moving fast enough
3- homework
4- having other kids who were your "friend" decide they weren't anymore.
5- eating hotdogs more than I care to remember.

At 8:02 PM, Blogger amelie said...

well, i did it....


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